Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sometimes, I start to write and don't know what will come out. That's when I have to trust in the process, trust in the muse and let her flow.

Sometimes, I find a quote that inspires me before I write, but often, I start to write and then find a quote that fits what I'm writing about.

This morning, my writing is brief. I have a 7am meeting -- which means, I either get up at 4 to write, or wait until later, or write something brief.

And so, this is brief.

What a difference!

Brief is not my forte.

Perhaps, I should write on brief, being brief. Briefly being... short.

I am short.

Ask those who know me they'll tell you. Height is not my issue. At least lots of it. I've got height. 5.2 of it -- it's just not a lot of height for this world around me.

Both my daughters wanted height. Their dad is 6'2". Alas, the height gene passed them by. They're taller than me, but not... tall.

Know what I mean? The tall that can reach the top shelf of a cupboard without stretching and groaning and reaching and teetering and finally, giving up and grabbing a chair and standing on the chair and still having to stretch to find what's on the very back of the shelf.

That kind of tall.

That's me.

Vertically challenged.

And this morning, I'm time challenged too, so, I'll leave you with this amazing video of actress, Natasha Tsakos. It is worth the twenty minutes. Inspiring. Powerful. Awesome.


Maureen said...

Tsakos is extraordinary! I'd love to see her live.
Thank you.

Funny, you and I are the same height. I had this image of you as a very tall woman in whose presence I would be dwarfed. It must be your words! Hope you're able to slow down a bit today. Hugs.

Kelly Sauer said...

Thank you for your visit and your comment at my place! I love this post - you ramble like I do! And you just pin-pointed the reason I joined Twitter. I needed to learn to be concise. It has helped immensely. Now, I'm just chasing down brain cells so I an THINK of what to write. ;-)

Anonymous said...

i like your short brief article.

Louise Gallagher said...

LOL maureen -- and I had an image of you as much taller than me!

Too funny.

Kelly -- good point re twitter -- I generally give myself one hour in the morning to write my blog from start to finish -- it has helped me focus. At one point, I had given myself a word limit too -- 750 max.

Perhaps it's time to start again.

Thanks nAncY -- :)

i am storm. said...

Rambling or not, I love your blog. Don't change.

Nice to hear you are not one of those vertically privileged people! We little heighted folks need to stand together...btw, my 4'11" (being generous) l'il momma routinely uses tongs to reach high items instead of climbing on a chair. Brillant!

Louise Gallagher said...

Tongs! now there's a great idea!

Thanks Storm.



Glynn said...

Twain - I think it was Twain - said he needed 2 days to write a good long speech and two weeks to write a short one.

Louise Gallagher said...

LOL Glynn. I believe you're right. It was Twain. And I know he's right!

I can write a 5,000 word article, no problem.

It's the 750 that take time and more time and them some time again!