Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Worry Not

An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. Bill Bernbach
I believe in magic. I believe in the mystical power of the Universe to rain down all around me. Cleansing. Sparkling. Glistening in the wonder of rainbows creating magic in the sky. In moments of dawn breaking upon the horizon painting the sky rose and gold and inky blue, awakening me to the power of a brand new day. I believe in the infinite possibility of a raindrop clinging to a branch, a perfect orb suspended in sunlight, holding on. Holding out. Holding to. The impossible. The possible. The known and unseen power of gravity to hold us up. To keep us down. To support us. Envelope us. Sustain us.

I believe in the wonder of the world around me. In the power of nature to create a scene of beauty in a forest glen, sun streaking through mist rising, green leaves shimmering in the light.

I believe in the power of man. To overcome adversity. To step beyond shaky ground into the realms of all things possible through human being. To leap above pain and sorrow into that place beyond the edges of our fears into the limitless possibilities of life lived with grace and ease dancing in the rains of forgiveness. Integrity. Honesty. Truth. Joy. Love.

And I believe in kindness.

Last week, a reader sent me a link to a song which when I listened to it, I cried. This morning, in a comment on yesterday's post, the reader sent me another link.

Another song of truth and beauty. Of our shared experiences resonating, cascading into a waterfall of sound that soothes ruffled minds and eases aching hearts. Song that empowers. Inspires. Invokes the majesty of our human race against nothing other than our fear, that if this is all there is, how do I fill my time with meaning?

Thank you to the 'anonymous' person who has linked me to such wonder. You light up on my day. You illuminate my path. When we share our gifts, the things we appreciate, the wonders that cause us awe; when we share our truth and beauty, warts and all, we create a better world.

I invite you to take a coffee break this morning with a little song. Sit back. Put your heels up and listen to the words these two human beings have created to stir your soul. They connect. They resonate. They heal. They are our shared experience. Our shared reality. Our common bond. A bond of life. Of sadness and sorrow. Joy and Love. They are our human voices rising together. As Liam O Maonlai sings, may you spread your winds and fly as you're meant to do into a day of wonder. May you, "Worry not my precious being."


Liam Ó Maonlaí - Worry Not

Stever Forbert - Your Own Hero


Maureen said...

Thank you for bringing these voices to us, Louise. It's good to sit and listen, to let time go with the music.

I like that Bernbach quote a lot, too.


CZBZ said...

Such a perfect way to start the morning!

thank you!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post and I don't mean because you thanked me for posting those songs but thank you, because you lit my day up too! :-)
Here's a few more that have been speaking to me but I have to slightly apologize because as I go through some favourites,lots jump out! Anyway, hope you find something else inspiring in them and many , many blessings to you and all your readers.

Right. I'm stopping! Love to all.