Monday, April 26, 2010

Ripples of difference

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. Pericles
She was sitting by herself. Bright red wrap draped around her shoulders. Her head was bowed. I wanted to ensure she was not in distress and approached to ask if there was anything she needed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "Can I help you?"

She looked up at me. Startled. For a moment, I saw my face in her eyes, once upon a time. An unexpected sound. A sudden approach. I startled. Like a bird lifting off a wire.

She recognized me and smiled. I didn't recall seeing her before. She was new to the group. "Oh no," she said. "You've already helped me more than you'll ever realize. Thank you." And she grabbed my hand between both of hers and pressed it hard.

I looked at her and waited for more explanation.

She took a deep breath and then spoke. Her words flowed out in one long stream, vowels and consonants bubbling over each other in their eagerness to take form. "I bought your book a year ago," she gushed. "I've read every word many times. I've written out parts by hand. Photocopied others. I've shared it with people. Took it to my psychiatrist to show her. You have helped me so much. I've always wanted to meet you so that I could say, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

I stood beside her, my hand still captured in hers and felt my heart break open. Love rushed in. Love and warmth and a gentle wave of peace cascading through me.

I reached my free hand forward and placed it on her shoulder. "Thank you for telling me," I said. "I really appreciate your words. You've touched my heart."

We don't know what we don't know. We never know the impact of what we say or do. We never know how it will resonate through time, carry itself forward, move itself into hearts. We never know who is listening or watching, observing, gathering information, capturing value.

What we do know is, what we do, what we say, what we write -- it is all important. It all makes a difference. in one way or another. We just can't always see the difference.

What we do know is, whatever we do or say or write or share -- its difference will be perceived differently by everyone. We cannot be accountable for how they make a difference with what we've said or done. What we are accountable for is the heart, the truth, the reflection of our own inner beauty, our spirit in what we say or do. The difference we create flows freely when we speak our truth from our hearts, and set ourselves free into the universe to spread our wings with joy and laughter through letting our words and actions ripple out from our being in Love.

Everything we do and say, everything we are has a ripple effect. We may not be able to see it, but somewhere out there in the universe, what we're doing is creating waves.

Let our waves be gentle. Let them be 'the change we want to create in the world.'

I was touched yesterday. Touched and in awe. I wasn't going to approach this woman. I was just going to let her sit by herself and not approach. And then, I chose to do something different. I chose to step into her circle to ask if there was anything I could do. And in my approach, I received an amazing gift. The gift of gratitude. The gift of knowing. the gift of connection. The gift of having created a change in the world through my words. I have made a difference.

It was an awesome moment. An uplifting exchange.

I am blessed.



Anonymous said...


great story . . which ought not surprise you

as you said to me once, across a lunch table .... 'you have the gift'

'nuff said


Michelle DeRusha said...

This is awesome -- it's these kinds of stories and experiences that keep me writing, day in and day out.

Thank you for sharing your gift.

P.S. I love your phrasing "like a bird lifting off a wire." Beautiful.

Joyce Wycoff said...

Louise ... an awesome story, and an awesome quote. Thanks for a great start to my day.

Maureen said...

Blessed: as am I to count you among my friends.


L.L. Barkat said...

Yes, that is touching. Very much so. And I like how it led to real touch... hand to hand.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful legacy you are leaving behind. Thanks (again) for sharing.


S. Etole said...

And your blessing has blessed me ... thank you

Billy Coffey said...

What an uplifting story. You're right, we don't know what we don't know. And I'm glad she managed to bless you just a fraction of how much you blessed her.

dude said...

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.“ - Mother Theresa

Thanks for sharing such a powerful reminder!


Sandra Heska King said...

Beautiful. Everything we do or say creates a wave. Deep.