Friday, October 1, 2010

Rubber necker

There is something incredibly energizing about a city that never sleeps. And tiring.

The constant barrage of people and sights and noises and smells. The traffic continually streaming by. The horns honking. Voices rising and falling.

I decided yesterday that New Yorkers honk their horns indiscriminately. One person honks and the one behind joins in even if they don't know what instigated the first toot. Yet, there is also method to their madness. Driving here constantly could drive you insane... if you didn't occasionally just give a toot on the 'ole horn to release your pent up frustration!

I'm having a wonderful time.

The conference is filled with fascinating presentations and interesting people and, there's just so much to see and learn.

In this city of contradictions, I'm finding myself continually stopping to breathe and look around. My neck is getting strained from continually looking up, so that I can see the cornices and carvings and scroll work that slathered across building facades. Why you might even call me a rubber necker!

And then there's the people. I love New Yorkers. They look grumpy until you engage them in a conversation and then... they just want to talk and talk.

It's fun and exciting and... different.

And I must run. Meeting my co-presenter at 9 and I have to grab a subway to get across the river to be there on time.

New York. New York. Ahhh, it is grand!


Anonymous said...

i can just imagine all the many many sights, sounds and smells.

Anonymous said...

kolkata too almost never sleeps. sometimes i get bored with all this noise round the clock.


Maureen said...

It would be difficult not to have a great time in NYC. The traffic is nuts where but the cabbies do manage to get you where you need to be in the nick of time (and a few too-close encounters where lines are meant to be crossed and the entire city seems to move across the sidewalk at once).

That conference looks fabulous.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

pass to 1 to 10 friends..
Happy Weekend!