Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vision mapping 2011

Yesterday, I spent my day creating a vision map in the front pages of my journal. Three pages in total, adding up to a day of fun and inspiration and intriguing pursuit of intuitive guidance.

Joyceann's Vision Collage Photo courtesy Peaceful Legacies

I had decided to do this on New Year's day at the invitation of my blog friend Joyceann over at Peaceful Legacies who wrote a blog the other day entitled, Vision Collage, You're invited. To make it easy, she's even got a list of 'What you'll need'.

What a wonderful gift her suggestion gave me.

While the house moved in and around me, people awakening and going off for brunch, playing cards and cleaning up and reading and napping, I nestled in the TV room, candles burning, music softly playing as I cut and clipped and pasted and melded together my Vision Map pages. Every so often one or the other of the household people would enter and ask, 'how's the cutting out?' 'what's up?' and I would gleefully respond, "Awesome!"

I invited whomever wanted to join in the fun and create their own vision map but... there were no takers. I think it might have had something to do with New Year's Eve festivities running into the wee hours and getting up for a 10am brunch with their father... :)

Regardless, I cut and paste and eventually finished off my Map.

and in its creation, I open myself up to the possibilities of this new year. Somewhere, someone asked the question, "I don't understand what's the big deal about New Year's Eve/Day. it's just a day like any other."

And... it is.

And... it isn't.

Possibly, the power comes from our collective focus on resolutions and intentions and making changes. The fact a huge part of the western world is focusing, all at the same time, on making change that create more of what we want in life -- is what gives the day its power.

The risk is, when we begin to dilute the 'resolution' and our belief in our power to make these changes with the thought we always fail, we never make it happen, we miss the mark, etc., then we are undermining our collective ability to create positive, lasting changes in our lives and the world.

As I read through blogs and articles on resolutions -- the articulating and setting of them, the do's and dont's, the should I or shouldn't I? thinking -- I see a collective trend of pessimism, of self-limiting beliefs masquerading as 'funny/witty' self-deprecating humour that would have us believe we shouldn't set new Year's resolutions because... well we're just going to forget about them by the 10th anyway so why bother? it's a stupid idea, a silly notion of the past.

I love the idea that for one day at least, we consciously focus on the things we can each do individually to create more fulfilling and vibrant and rich lives.

Sure, it's important we do it every day of the year, but if I look at New Year's day as my clean slate, as my do-over day where I get to let go of the trip-ups and spill-overs from the previous year that detoured me from my path, I give myself the gift of renewal.

A wonderful word for 2011 -- Renewal.

it is my word. My word to begin on, to create on, to meditate on this year.

Last year, Redemption was my word. This year, I'm moving on, embracing the new and releasing the old that no longer fits. I am stepping into the cleansing, healing waters of renewal and embracing all I can be when I let go of being anyone other than my most magnificent self today.

Front pages

I invite you to join in. To let go of limiting beliefs and thinking and step into the cleansing waters of renewal. To wash yourself in the absolute truth of your being -- you are a magnificent human being on the journey of your lifetime living it up in the rapture of now.

And to inspire you, I've pasted in photos from my vision map.

The back page

I encourage you too to get cutting and pasting, to get meditating and cogitating on -- what will I create in my life the year? what possibilities are calling me, waiting for me to answer their call?



Maureen said...

"Renewal" is a great word choice for you. Mine is "Connections".

I like all the eye-related images. The seeing, especially of oneself, is powerful.

Sandra Heska King said...

Oh, how creative! What fun. I would have joined you.

Love your word.

Louise Gallagher said...

I would have loved to have had you join in! it was fun -- and you can still do it. I believe when we consciously do something with another -- no matter the distance -- we share in the energy created!


And connections is a great word! I am grateful for our connection -- and am excited about it moving from virtual to real!



Brandi said...

This is such a neat idea! Wouldn't it be amazing if we all did this, then shared with others the result??

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I alwasy love to see people who invest the time and energy into their future, their character, their possibilities in life. I am so taken by your words, "You are a magnificent human being on the journey of your lifetime living it up in the rapture of now." That REALLY got my attention. I am on the journey, with you, with the other, moving along in INTENTION for growth, love, compassion, generosity.

My word(s) for 2011 are "Generosity of Spirit." That's loaded for me. I have alot of work to do there.

Thanks for your inspiration and for sharing your vision!

S. Etole said...

I've never tried this ... but been tempted ... now even more so.

thelmaz said...

I love this. I have a collage I did several years ago, but I would have loved to do a new one yesterday. I think I'll wait and do one on my next birthday. I should be on a special day, don't you think?
Best wishes for 2011.

Unknown said...

Love these collages - what an awesome idea. You obviously have splendid taste as well because you also have the same template as I have for my blog.

Cheers, Fi

Anonymous said...

i loved your this years resolution- redemption.

I will have to try it too.

lots of love.