Sunday, April 1, 2007

Love overcomes all

I just got home from coaching at Givers 1. What an amazing process.

My deepest learning -- identifying and recognizing the many forms my self-defeating character takes. You know, that guy with the big voice who sits inside my head and screams at me that I am not good enough, stupid, ridiculous, that I need to be silent, sit down, shut up and not make waves.

This was the third time I did the exercise on naming my self-defeating character and while the physical form and name were different, the tapes were all the same. The joy for me is, now that I have seen him again, I know he's there. For me, it is no longer about identifying him, it's about ensuring I stand in my light. That I continue to claim my place in the sun so that I move through each moment with grace, dignity and truth. When I stand in my light, when I am all that I am meant to be, the self-defeating character has no place to be heard, has no room to take up in my head, and has no voice. When I stay true to my values, principles and beliefs, the self-defeating character, in what ever form he chooses to take, stays in the shadows. For, when I stand in my light, the shadows retreat and I am free of the darkness. When I stand without fear, when I turn up for me with dignity, grace and truth, I stand in love.

In love, fear abates. Darkness recedes and the self-defeating character grows smaller.

Love drowns out fear. Love casts light on darkness. Love overcomes all.

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