Monday, June 18, 2007

Let today be my best day yet.

This morning I awoke and realized, Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Let it be my best.

I've never seen this particular day before. Never awoken to the same sunlight filtering through the slats of the blinds. Never had the same opportunities to get up and get going, get doing, get being, get living my life as if there's no tomorrow. Past present. Present future. One moment leading to the next, let this moment be filled with my best.

Every day I awake and have the opportunity to start again, begin anew, renew my commitment to Be. Do. Have.

Every day I awake to the first day of the rest of my life. And every day I have the opportunity to make it my best.

I received an email from a very dear friend this morning who's son has just relapsed into an addiction that is frightening in its ability to rob him of everything in his life. He has asked my friend to help him, to stand by him as he struggles to begin again.

I spoke with another girlfriend who's husband has fallen into the maws of an addiction. He has asked her to stand by him as he struggles to begin again.

Let yesterday be the last day their addictions reign so that today can be the first day of the rest of their lives as they begin again to live free of their addictions.

Every day we are given the opportunity to awake to a brand new day and step into the wonder and joy of living life freely.

What's your brand new day look like? Will you live it with the regrets of yesterday clogging your thinking, burdening down your every move or will you begin anew to commit yourself to Be. Do. Have.

Are you willing to Be committed to Do what it takes to Have what you want?

I am.

It is up to me to create the life of my dreams. Up to me to take my sandcastles in the air and give them a foundation. Mike Dooley, an inspirational author and speaker says, The secret to living the life of your dreams is to START living the life of your dreams.

If you don't start today, when will you begin? If you wait for tomorrow and then tomorrow again in five years time you'll still be thinking about living the life of your dreams as you struggle through the life of not living your dreams.

Begin today. Wake up and let today be your best day of your life. It is the present of this morning. The gift in awakening to the limitless possibilities of life with its freedom to be all that you are meant to be.

Good morning. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it your best.

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