Thursday, November 13, 2008

The heart of the matter

Without the guiding influence of the heart, we easily fall prey to reactive emotions such as insecurity, anger, fear and blame, as well as other energy draining reactions and behaviors. The HeartMath Solution, Doc Childre and Howard Martin with Donna Beech
Last night I went to a HUB meeting. As part of the curriculum, there was a motivational talk. The speaker, Don, presented ideas on how to change our habits to change our actions. He began his talk by asking the group, "Where do your emotions come from?"

"From our thoughts," someone quickly responded.

"And where do your thoughts come from?" Don asked.

"Our conscious and subconscious minds," was eventually the answer he was looking for.

And therein lies the disconnect.

Several years ago, Daniel Goleman pioneered work on Emotional Intelligence, because, as he writes. "If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far."

Last night, Don encouraged everyone to 'get out of your head and into your heart'. Now that's more easily said than done.

I have always been challenged to get into my heart and stay there. To step fearlessly into my day, my heart open and vulnerable, my mind quiet and conscious.

In scientific terms, the 'heart' is an organ. A four chambered muscle that pumps vital oxygen and nutrients throughout our body. In psychological terms, the heart is a home, a vital gateway that connects us to the depths of the world inside our beings and the vastness of the world outside our physical boundaries.

We 'have great heart', take matters to heart, speak from the heart, wear our hearts on our sleeve, are open-hearted, big-hearted, soft-hearted. We experience broken hearts, heartache, and bleeding hearts.

The 'heart' of the matter is, our hearts can become more than just a vital organ pumping blood through our body. Our hearts can become the vessel through which we learn to live our lives beyond the comfort zones of our fears and limitations. Beyond the limiting behaviours we develop to protect us from living with our hearts wide open in love.

I haven't read The HeartMath Solution yet. Thank you CW for sending me the information on HeartMath yesterday.

For today, I have an invitation for everyone.

Stop momentarily whatever you're doing, take a breath and imagine that breath entering your heart and expanding your being. Quietly whisper to yourself, "My heart is expanding. I am open to love."

Do this several times throughout the day. Consciously invite openness and love into your heart.

The question is: Are you open to change?

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