Monday, March 2, 2009

A Whimsical Day

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own.And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go. Theodor Seuss Geisel
Today is officially, Cat In The Hat Day in honour of Theordor (Ted) Seuss Geisel who was born on this date in 1904.

When my daughters were little they loved Dr. Seuss. Especially, his very first book which was written on a challenge to write a book with less than 50 words -- Green Eggs and Ham. Liseanne, my youngest daughter, would ask to have it read to her again and again and again. Dinner time became a ritual of exclaiming, when her plate was in front of her, "Oh no! Green eggs and ham."

I loved the nonsensical ryhmes, the fun characters on every page, but the most powerful aspect of Dr. Seuss stories was the wisdom tripping along the rhythmic verses. Beneath the nonsense, on top of the verbs, wisdom strutted with unerring verve!

Tee hee! See we can all do it too.

Be nonsensical. Be seussical!

It's a day for tall hats, striped socks and rhymes. It's a day like no other day, 'cause nobodies ever seen this day before.

This is a day for fun. For celebration. For living life no holds barred. Way out there on the other side of your comfort zone this is a day to step out in top hats and high tail hijinks.

Gone are the headaches of yesterday.
Gone are the fears that got in your way.
Today, you can awaken without consternation.
Stand up and be heard without reservation.
Today is your day to make your mark.
To step outside and banish the dark
To rid your head of unwanted fears
and fill your day with all you hold dear.

Today is your day to stand up and sing
To dance in the sunlight and create fairy rings
There's nothing to fear but what's in your head
Keeping you from taking the steps that you dread.

So come on, get up, let go of that frown
And turn your world upside down!

Tee hee!

Have a whimsical (though Dr. Seuss never thought of his work as whimsical!) day. Have fun. Enjoy. Get out there and play!

The question is: Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone and be silly today? Are you ready to be your inner, Cat in the Hat?

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