Thursday, May 13, 2010

In the shimmer of silence

A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. John Steinbeck

Silence took me last night. Took me and enveloped me in its golden blanket, drawing me deeper and deeper into that place where I am one with the silence, where the silence becomes me.

I sat in the circle of my meditation group, falling. Deeper and deeper into the velvety sense of soundlessness. I fell and as I fell my ego fell away. Washed clear by the silence falling all around me.

And I floated. Floated in the water washing all around me. Carrying me deeper. Deeper into that place where there are no boundaries. No definitions to where I begin and the water ends. And in the water I became the water. The water became me.

And then, there was a tunnel. A tiny sliver of an opening on the ocean floor. I slipped through. Easily. Gracefully. Through and into a place where silence hung suspended all around me in crystal chimes ringing so beautifully my ears could not fathom the noise.

I fell. Overwhelmed by the beauty of the noise that was no noise. Nothing. Nothingness. Protect me, cried my ego. Help me.

My soul opened up in love. I cannot protect you. You are not me. And I stripped away ego. Stepped out of persona and let it fall. It fell away and I stood naked. Exposed. Open. Vulnerable. The pure essence of my being opening like a lotus blossom to the light.

I was the silence. The silence was me and I knew peace.

Deep. Abiding. Everlasting. Peace.

Silence carried me into my soul last night. Silence opened me to my soul's song calling me to awaken.

And I awoke.

This song. It is my song. It is our song. It is a song of the universe. A song of love. Of hope. Of peace and joy and infinite moments expanding out like ripples on the surface of a lake, carrying us ever away from ego into that place where personna has no meaning. To that place where we become the One we have been seeking. We become the One with knowing we are infinite. We are Divine. We are ever lasting.

Silence enveloped me last night and I became One with the silence of my soul singing its song of joy.

And on this earthly plane, silence shimmers in the light of dawn breaking. Of hearts aching to draw closer as they pull apart and break away into two parts and then two more and two more again into infinity. Open. Vulnerable. Apart. Always together as one.

A broken heart is an open heart and an open heart is a loving heart.

On this plane I pray for love and the silence shimmers in the knowing that I cannot seek something that is. Love is all around. Always was and always will be.

The silence knows, we are not in this world to make noise. We are in it to awaken to the beauty of our soul's song calling us into loving the deep silence of our hearts. It is heard in each soft step we take to joyfully play in tune with our soul calling us home to the One we yearn for. The One we have always been. the One we will always be.



Anonymous said...

ate my cereal
read your words
now to take cj to school

love to you

Anonymous said...


pretty words, as always


I sense there is something going on for you - unwritten, not between the lines, but instead of

I enjoy the flowery diversions, but would rather you got to your point, the one I suspect you are dancing around an avoiding

what is THAT story?

maybe it can't be reduced to 4 short Steinbeck sentences ..... but it could be clearer for your readers

more important, of course, is whether it is clear for you ??

your friend . .

namaste and all that . .


Maureen said...

We're here to listen -- at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, and all points in-between.

We're with you in the silence, too.

katdish said...
