If all the air were suddenly sucked out of this room, we'd notice it. Love's like that. You don't always notice it until it's gone. Dave Cunin
Welcome to my new Sunday format.... Things I've Overheard.
Every Sunday I'll share one or two things I've overheard, or read during the past week -- and leave the 'making meaning' part up to you!
Dave by the way is my amazing friend who's always coming up with these quotable quotes that astonish me!
Another Davism... If you look with the mirror rather than the pointer, you see yourself.
Have a beautiful and peaceful Sunday. May we all be like Marley -- absolutely knowing that we are Great -- and content to be that way!
things i've overheard.
my eldest use to sit in some of her highschool classes and just jot town little things she heard people saying. little bits of conversation. it was a sight to see. like a collage of words.
What a clever eldest nAncY. She knows the importance and value of deep listening!
Hope your Sunday becomes a collage of friendship and experiences and words that dig deep into the heart of your home filled with love!
Like the reworking of your poem -- very beautiful.
Great idea for Sundays, Louise.
Fun stuff!
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