Thursday, June 9, 2011

Be the poem

Blogger. Cyberspace. The Interverse. I have no idea what it is... but whatever it is it is causing me grief this morning.

My poem, Summer's Embrace, which I wrote on a prompt from a quote by David Carradine, has disappeared.

Sorry. We can't find that page.

Who the heck is 'we' and what have they done with my poem?


And now, I must run -- my 'writing time' is over and the day awaits!

I have the early version I started with in Word, but opted to do my edits online as I eagerly explored the muses gift of words this morning/.

and now I must run!

But, before I go, here is the quote that inspired me:

If you can't be a poet, be the poem. David Carradine


Maureen said...

How frustrating! There is a reason to print out a copy (I learned the hard way).

Louise Gallagher said...

Oooh print out a copy! Never thought of that!!! :)

Thanks my friend.

Anonymous said...

the first sentence of this post is like a poem.

The Interverse.
I have no idea what it is...
whatever it is
it is causing me grief this morning.

Anonymous said...

Blame it on the cyberspace gremlins!

Have you seen "Midnight in Paris"? I think you will enjoy it!
x BA

Ruth said...

So sorry to hear about your frustrations with Blogger. I understand. I just love the Carradine quote.

And I'm dying to see "Midnight in Paris"!

S. Etole said...

Your loss is our loss ...

and that is a great quote.

trisha said...

thats one of the scariest messages!

happy that you rediscovered the poem.